Monday, November 28, 2011



Now a days if you see most of us have grown up belly's. It seems good for a certain period of time. As you grow older large belly's will give lot of problems. Few of them I have seen around are

  • Back pain
  • Chest pain
  • Leg pain
  • Heart problems
  • Blood pressure (High blood pressure)
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep apnea (sleep disorder)
  • Resistance to insulin
  • Cancer 

There are many more if you go on counting. If you really want to know consult your doctor about big belly problems.

I just wanted to stop talking now about problems and try to give some solutions. It may help you in many ways to reduce your not so good looking belly.

If you search in google "How to reduce belly", you will get a lot of websites on it. Some are really boring. I mean it. And there are lot more sites which give you a real better idea on reducing belly.

Grown up belly's/ big belly's occurs usually due to accumulation of fat. Best way is focus on reducing fat. 

  • Eat less Cholesterol food (actually try not to eat Cholesterol food)
  • Exercises (join gym)
  • Yoga (always hits the list)
  • Jogging (Daily)
  • Cycling
  • Walks (Daily)
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Reduce calorie consumption
  • Prefer whole grains rather refined grains (I mean avoid eating refined grains)
  • Avoid junk food

All the above mentioned will really help you a lot in reducing you belly. Please avoid taking unnecessary medication. I have seen in many videos that fat will be taken out by surgery. Believe me you do not want to spend on this.

Less cholesterol food include fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. Stop eating junk food. Junk food will give lot of problems. Prefer to eat whole grains.

Exercise/ Aerobic exercise: Many of you plan to join a gym and look fit, but you won't do it. Reason is simple, you are lazy. Stop getting lazy and join a gym and do workouts. Good physical trainer will teach you lot of good exercises by which you can reduce fat.

Yoga: Exceptional, no doubts, a person who does yoga regularly will burn lot of fat.

Jogging/ Cycling/ Walks: These are very helpful. I have heard many doctors suggesting their patients regardless of their disease/health problem do to these basic exercise.

I hope this article will help you a lot.